Proposed Amendments to CCR Title 18, Rule 6001, General Provisions

The State Board of Equalization proposes to amend the California Code of Regulations, title 18, State Board of Equalization – Conflict of Interest, section 6001, General Provisions, Appendices A and B. The amendment to Appendix A will list all current Board positions, including officers and consultants, but not elected officers, such as the Board Members, that make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material financial effect on any financial interest. Each position will narrowly tailor to each position's job duties, and that the disclosure requirements differentiate between similar positions with different levels of responsibility. The amendment to Appendix B will ensure the categories sufficiently describe all reportable economic interests that designated employees are required to disclose in a clear, concise, and efficient manner.

Dates and Description of Tasks
Date Description of Task
3/29/2022 Approval by the Board to Publish Notice
5/24/2022 Staff submitted initial rulemaking documents to OAL
8/31/2022 Staff received the certification of approval from the Fair Political Practice's Commission.
9/07/2022 Staff submitted the File and Print rule to the Office of Administrative Law.
9/28/2022 Rule 6001, appendices A and B amendments approved by the Office of Administrative Law.
10/28/2022 Effective date of proposed changes to appendices A and B.

For the full list and status of pending regulations, please see the Status of Board of Equalization's Proposed Rules and Regulations.

To learn more about the rulemaking process, please see Rulemaking Protocol.