1984 Letters To Assessors
- 84/01 Listings of Letters to County Assessors
- 84/02 Assembly Bill 233, Franchise Tax Returns
- 84/05 Rule 309, Hearing - Wednesday, February 29, 1984
- 84/07 Valuation of Property Subject to Safe Harbor Leases
- 84/11 Table of Sections Affected by 1983 Legislation
- 84/14 Timber Yield Tax Rate
- 84/15 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 1
- 84/17 Salary Survey 1983-84
- 84/18 Correction to Letter Number 83/132 - Questions and Answers Regarding Supplemental Assessments
- 84/19 Budget, Workload and Assessment Appeal Activity in Assessors' Offices 1982-83
- 84/25 Representative Periods for the 1984 Tax Year for the Assessment of Aircraft Operated by Certificated Air Carriers and Scheduled Air Taxi Operators
- 84/26 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 2
- 84/28 Taxable Publicly Owned Lands
- 84/30 LEOP Penalty Procedures
- 84/31 Rule 472, Valuation of Real Property Interests in Timeshare Estates and Timeshare Uses Public Hearing: Tuesday, May 8, 1984
- 84/33 Questions and Answers Regarding Supplemental Assessments
- 84/35 Welfare Exemption - Needs of Hospitals
- 84/37 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 3
- 84/38 Assessment Appeals After Audit
- 84/41 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 4
- 84/43 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 5
- 84/44 Production of Methane Gas from Landfill Operations
- 84/45 Consumer Price Index for 1984-85 Roll
- 84/47 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 6
- 84/49 Corrections to Budget, Workload and Appeals Report, 1982-83
- 84/51 Valuation of Subdivision Lots
- 84/52 Rule 282, Temporary Certification and Rule 283, Permanent Certification - Public Hearing: July 31, 1984
- 84/53 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 7
- 84/54 Final CCPI Announced for 1984_85 Roll
- 84/55 Disabled Veterans' Exemption 1984 Household Income Limits
- 84/58 Supplemental Assessments - Application of Homeowners', Disabled Veterans', and Veterans' Exemption
- 84/59 Financial Corporations
- 84/60 Acceptability of the Signature of Public Accountants on Property Statements and Mineral Production Reports
- 84/61 Waiver of the Statute of Limitations
- 84/63 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 8
- 84/67 Supplemental Assessments, Application of Cemetery, Church, College, Free Public Library, Free Museum Religious, Veterans' Organization, and Welfare Exemptions
- 84/68 W. Bruce Shafer, et al. v. California State Board of Equalization San Francisco Superior Court 812459
- 84/70 Property Tax Rules 307 and 309
- 84/72 Rule 2, The Value Concept, Public Hearing: September 11, 1984
- 84/73 Listings of Letters to County Assessors
- 84/74 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 9
- 84/76 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 10
- 84/78 Property Tax Rule 2, The Value Concept, Public Hearing: October 9, 1984
- 84/79 Rule 133, Business Inventory Exemption, Public Hearing: October 10, 1984
- 84/80 Rule 193, Scope of Audit, Public Hearing: October 10, 1984
- 84/81 Rule 313, Hearing Procedure, Public Hearing: October 10, 1984
- 84/89 Lands Assessed Under Sections 423, 423.5, and 426 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, Yield Rate Component - 1985 Lien Date
- 84/90 Historical Properties Assessed Under Sections 439, 439.1, 439.2, 439.3, and 439.4 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, Yield Rate component - 1985 Lien Date
- 84/91 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 11
- 84/100 Elimination of Form AH 600, Mobilehome Park Operator Report
- 84/102 Financial Corporations
- 84/103 The Effects of Assembly Bill 2345 on Supplemental Assessments
- 84/105 Property Tax Rule 313, Hearing Procedure
- 84/106 Welfare Exemption-Property Under Construction which is Subject to Redevelopment Plan Requirements
- 84/107 Summary of Legislation Number 12
- 84/108 Summary of Legislation Number 13 - Mobilehomes
- 84/111 Adjustment of Timber Yield Tax Rate
- 84/115 Tax Amnesty Program