For Immediate Release
September 18, 2024
Contact: Peter Kim
BOE to Hold Annual Meeting with County Assessors
Sacramento — The California State Board of Equalization (BOE) will hold its annual meeting with the 58 County Assessors on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in conjunction with the September 2024 Board Meeting.
“County Assessors are on the frontline of providing services and vital information to taxpayers in California. Exchanging information with them is essential for the successful administration of our property tax system,” said BOE Chair Sally J. Lieber. “This annual meeting provides the Board and local Assessors with an important forum to address the issues and challenges of property taxation statewide.”
By law, the BOE is required to meet with County Assessors at least once a year to discuss issues related to administering property taxation and promoting uniformity statewide. Throughout the past year, the BOE and County Assessors have met and worked closely together to address the administration of property tax exemptions, potential property tax incentives for affordable housing, assessment appeals training, and other issues related to property tax administration.
Topics for the upcoming meeting include a recap of 2024 and the priorities for 2025, an overview of guidance issued by the BOE through Letters to Assessors, and an overview of electronic signatures. This annual meeting will provide another opportunity to discuss further ways to strengthen the longstanding partnership.
The annual meeting will be livestreamed on the BOE website.
The California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is the only elected tax board in the country, and it is comprised of four Equalization District Members and the State Controller. Since 1879, the BOE's constitutional and statutory duties include the oversight of the 58 County Assessors to ensure assessment practices are uniform and consistent statewide. In addition, the BOE directly assesses the property of regulated railroads and certain public utilities, collects the Private Railroad Car Tax, and is responsible for the Alcoholic Beverage Tax and Tax on Insurers. BOE's critical role in property tax administration by promoting fair and equitable assessments protects the tax dollars that schools, local communities, and the State of California depend on every day.
State Controller
Executive Director