BOE-Prescribed Forms
All forms posted on this page are for information only and watermarked with the word "SAMPLE".
For a copy of form BOE-305-AH, Assessment Appeal Application, contact the Clerk of the Board in the county where the property is located.
For a copy of all other forms, contact the County Assessor's office in the county where the property is located.
The following forms are prescribed and/or recommended by the California State Board of Equalization and pertain to local county assessments, exemption claims, exclusions, and changes in ownership for property taxation purposes. Even though Board-prescribed and Board-recommended forms are state designed and approved, the forms are administered by the 58 California counties.
Number | Name | Revision | Date |
BOE-19-B | Claim for Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Primary Residence for Persons at Least Age 55 Years | 03 | 05/23 |
BOE-19-D | Claim for Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Primary Residence for Severely Disabled Persons | 02 | 05/22 |
BOE-19-DC | Certificate of Disability | 02 | 05/22 |
BOE-19-G | Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer Between Grandparent and Grandchild Occurring on or After February 16, 2021 | 03 | 05/23 |
BOE-19-P | Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer Between Parent and Child Occurring on or After February 16, 2021 | 02 | 05/23 |
BOE-19-V | Claim for Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Primary Residence for Victims of Wildfire or Other Natural Disaster | 02 | 05/22 |
BOE-19-X | Request for Property Tax Deferment, Section 69.6 Base Year Value Transfers | 00 | 11/22 |
BOE-58-AH | Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer between Parent and Child (Claim for) | 21 | 05/22 |
BOE-58-G | Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer from Grandparent to Grandchild (Claim for) | 18 | 05/22 |
BOE-58-H | Affidavit of Cotenant Residency | 02 | 05/20 |
BOE-60-AH | Person(s) at Least 55 Years of Age for Transfer of Base-Year Value to Replacement Dwelling (Claim of) | 20 | 05/21 |
BOE-60-NR | Notice of Rescission of Claim to Transfer Base Year Value to Replacement Dwelling | 05 | 05/21 |
BOE-62 | Disabled Persons Claim for Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Dwelling | 15 | 05/16 |
BOE-62-A | Certificate of Disability | 05 | 05/20 |
BOE-62-LRDP | Claim for Reassessment Reversal for Local Registered Domestic Partners | 01 | 05/19 |
BOE-62-R | Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer of Corporation Stock From Parent to Child | 01 | 05/20 |
BOE-63 | Disabled Persons Claim for Exclusion of New Construction | 05 | 05/20 |
BOE-63-A | Disabled Accessibility Construction Exclusion from Assessment (Claim for) | 04 | 05/18 |
BOE-64 | Seismic Safety Construction Exclusion from Assessment (Claim for) | 11 | 05/21 |
BOE-64-RWC | Initial Purchaser Claim for Rain Water Capture System New Construction Exclusion | 00 | 12/18 |
BOE-64-SES | Initial Purchaser Claim for Solar Energy System New Construction Exclusion | 03 | 09/14 |
BOE-65-CP | Transfer of Base Year Value from Qualified Contaminated Property to Replacement Property (Claim for) | 03 | 05/19 |
BOE-65-P | Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster (Claim for) | 06 | 11/23 |
BOE-65-PT | Intercounty Transfer of Base-Year Value To Replacement Property from Principal Residence Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster (Claim for) | 06 | 01/12 |
BOE-66-A | Notice of Enrollment of Escape Assessment [has not adopted section 1605(c)] | 03 | 05/15 |
BOE-66-B | Notice of Enrollment of Escape Assessment [has adopted section 1605(c)] | 03 | 05/15 |
BOE-67-A | Notice of Supplemental Assessment [has not adopted section 1605(c)] | 07 | 05/23 |
BOE-67-B | Notice of Supplemental Assessment [has adopted section 1605(c)] | 05 | 05/19 |
BOE-68 | Base Year Value Transfer – Acquisition by Public Entity (Claim for) | 06 | 05/21 |
BOE-121 | Statement of Financial Interest | 02 | 01/10 |
BOE-231-AH | Welfare Exemption/Section 231 Change in Eligibility or Termination Notice | 28 | 05/23 |
BOE-236 | Exemption of Leased Property Used Exclusively for Low-Income Housing | 07 | 05/19 |
BOE-236-A | Supplemental Affidavit for BOE-236, Housing – Lower-Income Households | 11 | 05/19 |
BOE-237 | Exemption of Low-Income Tribal Housing | 04 | 05/18 |
BOE-237-A | Supplemental Affidavit for BOE-237 Housing – Lower-Income Households Eligibility Based on Family Household Income (Yearly Filing) | 03 | 06/12 |
BOE-260 | Certificate and Affidavit for Exemption of Work of Art | 09 | 06/11 |
BOE-260-A | Certificate and Affidavit for Exemption of Certain Aircraft | 10 | 05/22 |
BOE-260-B | Exemption from Property Taxes of Aircraft of Historical Significance (Claim for) | 15 | 05/22 |
BOE-261-D | Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Declaration | 02 | 08/10 |
BOE-261-G | Disabled Veterans' Property Tax Exemption (Claim for) | 33 | 05/23 |
BOE-261-GNT | Disabled Veterans' Exemption Change of Eligibility Report | 32 | 05/23 |
BOE-262-AH | Church Exemption Claim | 11 | 05/22 |
BOE-263 | Lessors' Exemption Claim | 13 | 05/22 |
BOE-263-A | Qualified Lessors' Exemption Claim | 07 | 06/17 |
BOE-263-B | Lessee's Exemption Claim | 04 | 05/22 |
BOE-263-C | Church Lessors' Exemption Claim | 03 | 05/22 |
BOE-264-AH | College Exemption Claim | 13 | 05/22 |
BOE-265 | Cemetery Exemption Claim | 13 | 05/22 |
BOE-265-NT | Cemetery Exemption Change in Eligibility or Termination Notice | 19 | 05/23 |
BOE-266 | Homeowners' Property Tax Exemption (Claim for) | 13 | 05/20 |
BOE-266-E | Ownership Statement Cooperative Housing Corporation | 01 | 06/11 |
BOE-266-Media | Media Transmittal for Homeowners' Exemption Claim Records | 04 | 03/10 |
BOE-267 | Welfare Exemption, First Filing (Claim for) | 15 | 05/21 |
BOE-267-A | Welfare Exemption, Annual Filing (Claim for) | 23 | 05/22 |
BOE-267-F | Assessor's Finding on Qualification of Property Use, Welfare or Veterans' Organization Exemption | 01 | 05/20 |
BOE-267-FIR | Welfare Exemption Assessor's Field Inspection Report | 02 | 03/08 |
BOE-267-H | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Housing - Elderly or Handicapped Families | 10 | 05/21 |
BOE-267-H-A | Elderly or Handicapped Families, Family Household Reporting Worksheet | 01 | 06/11 |
BOE-267-L | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Housing – Lower-Income Households | 22 | 05/24 |
BOE-267-L-A | Lower Income Households Family Household Income Reporting Worksheet (140% AMI) | 04 | 05/24 |
BOE-267-L-B | Lower Income Households Family Household Income Reporting Worksheet (100% AMI) | 00 | 05/24 |
BOE-267-L1 | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Low-Income Housing Property of Limited Partnership | 17 | 05/24 |
BOE-267-L2 | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Housing – Lower Income Households – Tenant Data | 03 | 05/21 |
BOE-267-L3 | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Households Exceeding Low-Income Limits – "Over-Income" Tenant Data (140% AMI) | 04 | 05/24 |
BOE-267-L4 | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Households Exceeding Low-Income Limits – "Over-Income" Tenant Data (100% AMI) | 00 | 05/24 |
BOE-267-O | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Organizations and Persons Using Claimant's Real Property | 01 | 06/17 |
BOE-267-R | Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Rehabilitation – Living Quarters | 09 | 05/21 |
BOE-267-S | Religious Exemption | 11 | 05/12 |
BOE-267-SNT | Religious Exemption Change in Eligibility or Termination Notice | 27 | 05/23 |
BOE-268-A | Public School Exemption | 09 | 05/22 |
BOE-268-B | Exemption for Property Used by a Free Library or Free Museum | 11 | 05/22 |
BOE-269-AH | Veterans' Organization Exemption (Claim for) | 11 | 05/22 |
BOE-269-FIR | Veterans' Organization Exemption Assessor's Field Inspection Report | 02 | 03/08 |
BOE-270-AH | Exhibition Exemption Claim from Property Taxes | 05 | 08/10 |
BOE-305-AH | Assessment Appeal Application | 11 | 05/22 |
BOE-441d | Request for Information | 02 | 05/23 |
BOE-502-A | Preliminary Change of Ownership Report | 18 | 05/23 |
BOE-502-AH | Change of Ownership Statement | 21 | 05/23 |
BOE-502-D | Change in Ownership Statement, Death of Real Property Owner | 14 | 05/23 |
BOE-502-G | Change in Ownership Statement: Oil and Gas Property | 06 | 05/16 |
BOE-502-P | Possessory Interests Annual Usage Report | 03 | 05/16 |
BOE-540-S | Mutual or Private Water Company Property Statement | 06 | 08/06 |
BOE-566-D | Oil and Dissolved Gas Production Report | 09 | 05/14 |
BOE-566-F | Dry Gas Production, Equipment, New Well, Redrill and Rework Report | 07 | 02/11 |
BOE-566-K | Oil and Gas Operating Expense Data | 09 | 05/15 |
BOE-567-K | Annual Geothermal Operating Expense Data | 07 | 08/07 |
BOE-570-1 | Supplementary Schedule to the Business Property Statement, Air Carrier's Operation Report | 00 | 11/19 |
BOE-570-2 | Supplementary Schedule to the Business Property Statement, Flight Equipment Value Computation | 00 | 11/19 |
BOE-570-3 | Air Carrier's Operation Report (Aircraft Value Computations) | 03 | 08/04 |
BOE-570-3CF | Air Carrier's Operation Report – Converted Freight | 01 | 08/07 |
BOE-570-FO1 | Supplementary Schedule to the Business Property Statement-Aircraft Cost Report | 02 | 01/08 |
BOE-570-FO2 | Supplementary Schedule to the Business Property Statement – Aircraft Value Computation | 02 | 01/08 |
BOE-571-A | Agricultural Property Statement | 27 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-C | Power Plant Property Statement | 26 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-D | Supplemental Schedule for Reporting Monthly Acquisitions and Disposals of Property Reported on Schedule B of the Business Property Statement | 25 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-F | Agricultural Property Statement | 27 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-F2 | Registered and Show Horses Other Than Racehorses | 04 | 08/06 |
BOE-571-J | Annual Racehorse Tax Return | 06 | 08/06 |
BOE-571J1 | Report of Boarded Racehorses | 04 | 08/03 |
BOE-571-K | Horse Property Statement (other than Racehorses) | 07 | 08/06 |
BOE-571-L | Business Property Statement, Long Form | 29 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-LA | Alternate Schedule A for Bank, Insurance Company, or Financial Corporation Fixtures | 27 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-M | Miscellaneous Property Statement | 06 | 08/06 |
BOE-571-P | Pipeline Property Statement | 08 | 08/06 |
BOE-571-R | Apartment House Property Statement | 26 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-RW | Right-Of-Way Property Statement | 05 | 08/06 |
BOE-571-S | Business Property Statement, Short Form | 27 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-STR | Short Term Rental Property Statement | 00 | 05/23 |
BOE-571-W | Wind Generation Property Statement | 09 | 05/23 |
BOE-572-A | Insurance Company Statement of Transfer | 02 | 09/10 |
BOE-576-D | Vessel Property Statement | 18 | 05/20 |
BOE-576-E | Affidavit for 4 Percent Assessment of Certain Vessels | 09 | 05/21 |
BOE-577 | Aircraft Property Statement | 07 | 05/18 |
BOE-577-A | Airport Operations Report | 02 | 08/09 |
BOE-901-V | Application for Deduction for Vehicle’s License Fees from Property Tax | 01 | 08/09 |
BOE-902 | Claim for Bank or Financial Corporation Exemption | 00 | 01/15 |