1981 Letters To Assessors
- 81/01 Listing of Letters to County Assessors
- 81/10 Solar Energy System
- 81/11 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 1
- 81/13 Revision to Open-Space Statutes
- 81/15 Information Regarding the Assessment of Petroleum and Gas Producing Properties
- 81/18 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 2
- 81/19 Recent Judicial Decisions
- 81/20 Assessor's Subpoena Power Pursuant to Sections 441 and 454, Revenue and Taxation Code Upheld in San Luis Obispo County Superior Court
- 81/21 Property Taxes Rule 151
- 81/22 Property Taxes Rule 462
- 81/23 Property Taxes Rule 463
- 81/25 Assessors' Handbook Section 581, Equipment Index Factors
- 81/28 Correction to Assessors' Handbook Section 581, Equipment Index Factors
- 81/31 Taxable Publicly Owned Lands
- 81/32 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 3
- 81/34 Commercial Aircraft Allocations
- 81/39 A Description of the Local Property Tax Monitoring Program
- 81/42 Correction to Letter No. 81/39
- 81/46 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 4
- 81/49 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 5
- 81/50 Financial Corporations
- 81/51 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 6
- 81/52 Mobilehome Value Notification
- 81/53 Property Taxes Rule 308
- 81/54 Application of Exemptions to Mobilehomes
- 81/55 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 7
- 81/56 Quick Reference Chart - Change in Ownership
- 81/57 Index of 1980 Legislation
- 81/59 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 8
- 81/63 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 9
- 81/65 Jurat Revision
- 81/66 Property Taxes Rule 151
- 81/70 Summary of Unsecured Roll Data Requested in Letter to Assessors 80/175
- 81/71 Solar Energy Exemption and Windmills
- 81/72 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 10
- 81/74 Valuation of Single-Family Residential Property Subject to Agreement Between Caltrans and Buyer
- 81/76 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 11
- 81/78 The Valuation of Open-Space Properties During the Non-Renewal Period
- 81/82 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 12
- 81/85 Assembly Bill 20, Revaluing 1978-79 Unsecured Real Property
- 81/86 Section 602(a) of the Revenue and Taxation Code
- 81/89 Financial Corporations
- 81/91 Property Taxes Rule 462
- 81/94 Assembly Bill 375, Active Solar Energy System
- 81/95 Valuation of Wells Under Construction on the Lien Date
- 81/97 Assembly Bill 20 and Assembly Bill 11
- 81/98 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 13
- 81/104 Senior citizens Property Tax Postponement Revenue and Taxation Code Section 2515
- 81/107 Historical Properties Assessed Under Sections 439, 439.1, 439.2, 439.3, and 439.4 of the Revenue and Taxation Code - Yield Rate Component - 1982 Lien Date
- 81/108 Lands Assessed Under Sections 423, 423.5, and 426 of the Revenue and Taxation Code - Yield Rate Component - 1982 Lien Date
- 81/110 Summary of Proposed Legislation Number 14
- 81/114 Execution Sales
- 81/115 New Legislation - Senate Bill 241
- 81/116 Advanced Appraiser Certificates Awarded During the 1980-81 Fiscal Year
- 81/117 Assembly Bills 11 and 20
- 81/118 Classification of Mobilehomes and Correction to Letter 81/54
- 81/119 Certificate of Mailing - Revenue and Taxation Code Section 441(b) (2) and (3)
- 81/120 Legislative Changes Involving Escape Assessments and Taxability of Transit Development Board Property
- 81/123 Revisions in Calamity and Disaster Relief Assessment Procedures in Light of Senate Bill 139
- 81/125 Religious Exemption
- 81/129 Legislative Changes Involving Illegal or Unconstitutional Assessments or Collection of Taxes
- 81/131 Property Taxes Rule 171
- 81/132 Property Taxes Rule 251
- 81/133 Property Taxes Rules 381_394
- 81/134 Property Taxes Rule 465
- 81/135 Legislative Changes Involving Timber Tax Laws
- 81/136 Property Taxes Rule 308
- 81/137 Property Taxes Rule 136
- 81/141 Index of 1981 Legislation
- 81/146 Homeowners' Exemption - Homeowners Receiving Supplemental Security Income During the 1973-74, 1974-75, and/or 1975-76 Fiscal Years
- 81/147 Assessment Ratio/Cancellation Fees, Open-Space Land
- 81/148 Correction to Index of 1981 Legislation
- 81/149 Changes in Cancellation Procedures for California Land Conservation Act Contracts as Provided by Assembly Bill 2074
- 81/150 Index of Letters to Assessors for 1978, 1979, 1980, and Three Quarters of 1981
- 81/152 New Legislation - Revision of Change in Ownership Statutes and Change in Ownership Reporting
- 81/153 Assembly Bill 1963 Relating to Disclosure of Information to Public by Assessor in Los Angeles County
- 81/154 Adjustment of Timber Yield Tax Rate and Timber Reserve Fund Tax Rate
- 81/157 Adjustment of Timber Yield Tax Rate and Timber Reserve Fund Tax Rate
- 81/159 Property Taxes Rules
- 81/160 Valuation of Open-Space Timberland Located in a Timberland Preserve Zone
- 81/162 AB 517 - Four Percent Assessment of Certain Vessels
- 81/163 Salary Survey 1981-82
- 81/164 Timber Yield Tax Rate and Timber Reserve Fund Tax Rate