March 22, 2023 Board Meeting: Additional Information
This page will be used to provide up-to-date information regarding telephonic/electronic participation at this State Board of Equalization (BOE) meeting.
Meeting Participation Information:
This meeting will be held in person. Members of the public may attend in person, or view this meeting live via webcast or may listen by telephone.
Public Teleconference Information
Internet: You may view this meeting live via webcast by using the homepage link Watch Meetings Live (with live-captioning).
Phone: If you would like to participate telephonically in this meeting at 10:00 a.m., you can call into the meeting:
- Dial 1-877-336-4440, and when prompted enter the conference access number: 4192718#
If possible, dial into the teleconference on a cell phone to minimize connectivity issues and background noise. Note that the phone number and access number is specific to this meeting and may not work for other meetings.
Public Comment Procedure
In general, there are three ways to provide a public comment on an item on this meeting, by telephone, in person, or by email.
By Telephone: Dial the teleconference number above, and when prompted, enter the conference access number above. The AT&T Operator will provide instructions. If you intend to make a public comment, please dial in before the agenda item begins, as the live webcast experiences a 1-3-minute delay.
In Person: Anyone planning to speak before the Board should sign in and complete a public comment appearance sheet at the meeting. However, signing in and completing a public comment appearance sheet is voluntary and a speaker who declines to sign in or fill out an appearance sheet will not be precluded from speaking to the Board Members.
By Email: Please fill out the Comment form below, indicating your public comment, contact information, and which item you would like to make a comment. If you would like to comment on multiple items, please select each of those items in a single submission. Please note, if a public comment references multiple items, the comment will only be read into the record once. The Comment form will be removed from this webpage 15 minutes prior to the start of the Board meeting.
If you would prefer to submit your public comment anonymously, please indicate that in your submission: