All Property Tax Legislative Analyses 2015-2016 Session

Bill analyses are prepared on legislation that would impact tax programs administered by the Board of Equalization.

To view bill text, from within the analysis, click the bill number, which links to the full bill text at

ADM = Administration
PT = Property Tax Bills
SPT = Special Taxes and Fees

Click the subheading below, in bold, to sort designated column.

Bill NumberProgramTitleAuthorAnalysesNew?
Assembly Bill 476 PT: Homeowner's Exemption: IncreaseChangAmended 03/25/15
Introduced 02/23/15
Assembly Bill 567 PT: LEOP COS StatementsGipsonIntroduced 02/24/15 
Assembly Bill 571 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: Disabled Child & Penalty AbatementBrownChapter 501
Amended 09/01/15
Amended 05/04/15
Introduced 02/24/15
Assembly Bill 582 ADM: Professionals in Public Service Act of 2015CalderonAmended 05/04/15
Amended 04/21/15
Amended 03/26/15
Introduced 02/24/15
Assembly Bill 657 PT: Change in Ownership Statement: DescendantsAchadjianAmended 01/04/16
Introduced 02/24/15
Assembly Bill 668 PT: Assessment: Affordable HousingGomezChapter 698
Amended 09/01/15
Amended 06/25/15
Amended 05/05/15
Amended 03/26/15
Assembly Bill 681 PT: Survey ProgramTingSupport Letter
Chapter 404
Amended 07/15/15
Amended 04/22/15
Amended 04/13/15
Assembly Bill 748 PT: Public School ExemptionLackeyAmended 04/06/15 
Assembly Bill 814 ADM: Virtual Consolidation: Feasibility StudyDalyAmended 03/26/15 
Assembly Bill 1040 PT: Legal Entity Change in OwnershipTingAmended 07/06/15 
Assembly Bill 1157 PT: Certificated Aircraft AssessmentNazarianChapter 440
Amended 05/04/15
Introduced 02/25/15
Assembly Bill 1251 PT: Greenway EasementGomezChapter 639
Amended 09/04/15
Amended 06/24/15
Assembly Bill 1378 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: Over 55: SpouseHoldenEnrolled Vetoed
Introduced 02/27/15
Assembly Bill 1534 PT: Assessment Analyst CertificationCommittee on Revenue & TaxationChapter 446
Amended 04/30/15
Amended 03/25/15
Assembly Bill 1556 PT: Disabled Veterans ExemptionMathisAmended 05/16/16
Amended 04/28/16
Amended 03/28/16
Amended 02/25/16
Assembly Bill 1828 ADM: BOE Members: Contribution Limits: Behested PaymentsDoddAmended 04/28/16
Amended 04/05/16
Introduced 02/10/16
Assembly Bill 2168 PT: PUC Audit ReportsWilliamsChapter 805
Amended 06/14/16
Assembly Bill 2314 PT: Butte Fire: Disaster ReliefBigelowAmended 04/25/16
Introduced 02/18/16
Assembly Bill 2388 PT: Pathway to HomeownershipGipsonIntroduced 02/18/16
Assembly Bill 2450 PT: Government Property Acquisitions: Assessor Notification
PT: Change in Ownership Statement: Enforceable Restrictions
AchadjianChapter 300
Amended 08/02/16
Amended 06/15/16
Amended 04/25/16
Amended 04/12/16
Assembly Bill 2570 PT: PUC Reports to BOEQuirkIntroduced 02/19/16
Assembly Bill 2622 PT: Certificated Aircraft & Representative PeriodNazarianAmended 08/19/16
Amended 08/02/16
Amended 05/19/16
Amended 04/26/16
Amended 04/12/16
Amended 03/18/16
Assembly Bill 2668 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: Greater ValueMullinIntroduced 02/19/16
Assembly Bill 2749 PT: Reimbursement: Heavy Equipment RentersBrough & PanAmended 05/03/16
Amended 03/28/16
Assembly Bill 2818 PT: Community Land TrustsChiuChapter 701
Assembly Bill 2842 PT: Welfare ExemptionThurmondAmended 04/12/16
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: Disabled Child: Over 55: Spouse: Pistachio TreesBrownAmended 04/07/16
Amended 02/08/16
Amended 04/20/15
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 12 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: 55+MullinIntroduced 04/18/16
Senate Bill 2 PT: Veterans' Organization ExemptionAnderson & VidakAmended 04/06/15
Introduced 12/01/14
Senate Bill 259 PT: Legal Entity Change in OwnershipBatesAmended 01/14/16
Amended 06/29/15
Senate Bill 357 PT: Private Railroad Cars: Mileage BasisHallSupport Letter
Introduced 02/24/15
Senate Bill 378 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: Homes of Greater ValueBeallAmended 01/14/16
Amended 08/17/15
Senate Bill 434 PT: Manufactured Home ILTAllenAmended 05/20/15 
Senate Bill 480 SUT/PT: Heavy Equipment in Lieu TaxPanAmended 04/29/15
Introduced 02/26/15
Senate Bill 587 PT: Low Income Seniors: CPIStoneAmended 08/04/16
Amended 06/22/16
Senate Bill 661 PT: State Assessment: Commercial Air Carriers: Personal PropertyHillSupport Letter
Amended 04/13/15
Introduced 02/27/15
Senate Bill 678 PT: Low Income Housing CapHillAmended 01/04/16
Senate Bill 690 PT: Disabled Veterans ExemptionStoneAmended 08/04/16
Amended 06/22/16
Senate Bill 803 PT: BOE-SponsoredCommittee on Governance & FinanceSupport Letter
Chapter 454
Amended 07/15/15
Amended 06/29/15
Amended 03/24/15
Senate Bill 816 ADM: BOE Members: ContributionsHillAmended 08/08/16
Amended 04/26/16
Introduced 01/04/16
Senate Bill 996 PT: Low Income Housing CapHillChapter 836
Amended 08/15/16
Amended 06/23/16
Amended 05/02/16
Introduced 02/10/16
Senate Bill 1104 PT: Disabled Veterans & Senior VeteransStoneAmended 05/11/16
Introduced 02/17/16
Senate Bill 1126 PT: Low Income Seniors: CPIStoneAmended 05/04/16
Introduced 02/17/16
Senate Bill 1183 PT: Disabled Veterans ExemptionBatesAmended 05/10/16
Amended 03/28/16
Senate Bill 1304 PT: Disaster Relief: Porter Ranch & Environmental ContaminationHuffEnrolled Vetoed
Amended 08/15/16
Amended 06/23/16
Amended 06/08/16
Amended 04/21/16
Senate Bill 1329 PT: Certificated Aircraft & Trial de NovoHertzbergAmended 05/31/16
Amended 04/26/16
Amended 04/14/16
Amended 03/28/16
Senate Bill 1394 PT: Private Railroad Cars: MileageHallAmended 03/28/16 
Senate Bill 1458 PT: Disabled Veterans' Exemption: Honorable DischargesBatesChapter 871
Amended 06/29/16
Amended 06/23/16
Amended 04/06/16
Introduced 02/19/16
Senate Bill 1480 PT: Section 11 AppealsCommittee on Governance & FinanceChapter 116
Amended 06/08/16
Introduced 03/17/16
Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 PT: Split RollHancock & MitchellAmended 07/16/15 
Senate Constitutional Amendment 9 PT: Base Year Value Transfer: Homes of Greater ValueBeallAmended 01/14/16
Amended 08/18/15

ADM = Administration
PT = Property Tax Bills
SPT = Special Taxes and Fees

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