News Release
For Immediate Release
February 19, 2020
Contact: Jean Nakano

BOE Chairman Vazquez Issues Statement on State of the State Address

Sacramento - Board of Equalization (BOE) Chairman Antonio Vazquez issued this statement on Governor Gavin Newsom's State of the State address today.

“Governor Newsom clearly articulated the successes that characterize the State of the State of California. Our state is unquestionably a national leader in job growth, small business, venture capital, and increased GDP. Providing improved wildfire programs, cleaner water and air, increased California Earned Income Tax Credits, and access to health care for more undocumented, low-income California residents are other notable successes. Governor Newsom made equally clear the challenges that face our state: poverty, wildfires, unequal access to quality education, the shortage of physicians to meet California's growing needs – and our overwhelming homelessness crisis. The Governor's strong commitment to implement solutions to meet the desperate need of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Californians for shelter – and his call for our entire state government to respond to this crisis with urgency – have my attention, and I am committed to working with him, the Legislature, and my colleagues on the Board of Equalization to do so.”
