For Immediate Release
April 9, 2019
BOE Vice Chair Vazquez to Honor Sergio Rascon,
2019 Dan Foley Labor Leader of the Year
Sacramento - Board of Equalization (BOE) Vice Chair Antonio Vazquez will present a resolution congratulating Sergio Rascon on his receipt of the "2019 Dan Foley Labor Leader of the Year Award," to be presented by South County Labor at a breakfast event on Saturday, May 11, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. The breakfast will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Double Tree Hotel, 2800 Via Camarillo Marina, San Pedro, CA 90731.
The event, hosted by South County Labor (affiliated with the Steam-Refrigeration-Air Conditioning-Pipefitters Local Union 250, AFLCIO), will honor Rascon for his tremendous contributions to the American Trade Labor Movement. Rascon began his labor union career in 1979, worked his way up through the ranks of Laborers International Union of North America – Local 300, and since 1995 he has served the organization's more than 8,000 members as Business Manager.
Elected on November 6, 2018, Board Member Antonio Vazquez is the Third District Member of the California State Board of Equalization, representing more than 9.5 million residents in Los Angeles, a portion of San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties. Vazquez previously served on the Santa Monica City Council for over 10 years, including holding the offices of Mayor Pro Tempore in 2015 and Mayor in 2016.
The five-member California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is a publicly elected tax board that serves a significant role in the assessment and administration of property taxes.
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