Tax Rate Areas – Trinity County 2024

A tax rate area (TRA) is a geographic area within the jurisdiction of a unique combination of cities, schools, and revenue districts that utilize the regular city or county assessment roll, per Government Code 54900. Each TRA is assigned a six-digit numeric identifier, referred to as a TRA number.

The map below depicts the TRA boundaries and TRA numbers for the specified assessment roll year. Zoom in on the map to show a TRA number for an area. Use the map search bar to zoom to a known address or use the TRA number search bar to zoom to a known TRA number (The TRA number must be entered as a 6-digit number with leading zeros as needed). Click on a polygon to open a pop-up box containing the TRA number. The downloadable data includes a copy of this shapefile, a change polygon shapefile, and a data table of TRA numbers with their respective districts.

Download TRA GIS data