News Release
For Immediate Release
December 5, 2024
Contact: Doug Winslow

Board of Equalization Chair Sally J. Lieber to Convene Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Hearing on “Work, Assets, and the Safety Net.”
December 10, 2024 FTB Hearing to focus on income inequality and the impact of tax revenues on providing critical services to California’s struggling workforce.

Sacramento — State Board of Equalization (BOE) Chair and Member of the Franchise Tax Board Sally J. Lieber will convene a special FTB Hearing on “Work, Assets, and the Safety Net” on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 10 a.m. at Franchise Tax Board headquarters located at 9646 Butterfield Way, Town Center, Gerald Goldberg Auditorium in Sacramento, California.

“We have a moral obligation to address the needs of struggling Californians, many of whom are essential workers, yet unable to afford the costs of living,“ stated BOE Chair and FTB Member Sally J. Lieber.

“The Franchise Tax Board plays a key role in ensuring revenues and direct programs, including the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), to millions of Californians. Yet high costs and low wages mean that despite the promise of living in the world’s fifth-largest economy, many families and individuals are underwater financially. We must hear the voices of essential workers and longtime Californians struggling to survive in our state,” Lieber continued.

“This hearing will highlight the impact of the crisis of income inequality on work, assets, and the safety net, and create a record of the challenges and opportunities we face as a state and in our communities,” Lieber concluded.

Topics to be addressed and those anticipated to testify at the hearing are:

Framing the Issues

  • California State Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson
  • Amy Everitt, President, Golden State Opportunity

Working California

  • California Federation of Labor Unions, AFL-CIO
  • California State Council, Service Employees International Union

Asset Building in California

  • Devon Gray, President, End Poverty in California
  • Teri Olle, California Director, Economic Security California

The Safety Net in California

  • Mark Stivers, Director of Legislative Advocacy, California Housing Partnership
  • Western Center on Law and Poverty
  • Alissa Anderson, Policy Director, California Budget and Policy Center

The public may view the meeting through the Franchise Tax Board’s website and participate by telephone at 1-844-867-6169, access code 1187522. For directions to the hearing or email instructions on how to call into the meeting, please call Doug Winslow at 1-916-201-1341.

Sally J. Lieber represents the California State Board of Equalization's Second District. In December 2023, Lieber was elected Chair of the Board. As the member for District 2, Chair Lieber represents 10 million constituents in 19 counties from as far north as Del Norte County to as far south as Ventura County.